Cooking through ”The Lost Kitchen”- Introduction

Finally! I have a place to keep this journey organized! It is not perfect but it is a landing place! I am calling it a journey, because it is. It is going to take us down some back roads, see some beautiful farms, meet some interesting people and cook some new, fresh food without going into a grocery store. It will also make me do the things I always want to do but find I don’t make the time for. So sure we will cook but we will also take drives, get coffees and go foraging to make pretty arrangements. We will get out and be inspired.

I will remind everyone what exactly this journey is all about. I recently discovered the Lost Kitchen TV series . I know a lot of people have followed this story for years now but I just learned of it early this year. I watched all the episodes and fell in love with the entire story. Erin French opened a restaurant in Freedom Maine, population 722 in an old mill off the beaten path. Her and a group of women and one guy with no formal training run this masterpiece together. Using only local ingredients she creates a menu from whatever is available and in season. She is an inspiration to me. What she went through to get where she is and then to see her go through the last couple years of covid and navigate through it.. to see someone else do it and be able to understand it and feel it yourself. That is what really got me. I also love cooking even though I'll complain about the regular nightly cooking. I Love cooking for people and I also love gardening, the woods and the outdoors. So it just makes sense to cook through the Lost Kitchen. It will take me to all my favorite places.


Let the fun begin!